Acupuncture FAQs and Links
Our Twin Cities Acupuncturist answers commonly asked questions
Here are some of the more commonly asked questions Attune Acupuncture gets about our acupuncture therapies:
How does acupuncture work?
Sterile, single-use needles are inserted into the skin at specific points so your body can be stimulated to heal itself. The points of insertion are on channels (or meridians) linked to various organs and body systems.
How many treatments are necessary?
The initial phase of treatments lasts between four and six weeks, generally one treatment per week. After that, the patients’ progress will be evaluated, and that progress will determine whether or not more treatments are necessary, and at what frequency.
Does it hurt?
It varies from person to person. Some patients experience no sensation, while some may feel a small ache or pinch akin to a mosquito bite. Once the needle is inserted, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort, and the effects can be relaxing to the point you may fall asleep during your visit!
What can I do to prepare for a treatment?
If you are on any medication, bring in a list. You’ll also want to bring in results from any recent X-Rays or blood work you’ve had done.
What should I expect on my first visit?
Upon your first visit to Attune Acupuncture, you will undergo an in-depth health intake and treatment which lasts a total of 90 minutes. You will be asked about your chief complaints, how your mood has been, what your energy levels are like, and how your digestive system is working, among other things. Your tongue will be examined, and your pulse will be taken. When treatment starts you will lay down on a table in a quiet, serene environment and needles will be placed on specific points of your body. You will then rest with the needles in for 25 to 30 minutes.
What can I expect after a treatment?
Everyone’s experience is different. After treatment some feel relief – complete or partial – from pain and/or other ailments. Many leave feeling relaxed and calm, and say they are more focused and sleep better after an acupuncture treatment. Please note: it is highly recommended that you do not engage in vigorous exercise for at least 12 hours after your treatment.
How do I pay for service? Do you accept medical insurance?
Attune Acupuncture does not bill any insurance, though many patients use health savings accounts or flex spending accounts to pay for acupuncture treatments. Attune Acupuncture can help with the required paperwork in these instances. We can also provide a bill so you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.
The initial appointment (90 minutes) is $130. Follow-up appointments (60 minutes) are $85.
A Chinese herbal medicine consultation, without acupuncture, is $85. Follow-up consultations are $55 and are approximately one month after the initial consultation. This does not include the price of herbs, which range from $1 to $3/day.
- Dress comfortably in loose clothing (gowns are available)
- Please don’t come to your appointment hungry or overly full
- Abstain from alcohol, nicotine and caffeine before and after treatment
Hours of Service:
- Tuesday 2pm-8pm
- Wednesday 2pm-8pm
- Thursday 1pm-7pm
- Friday 10am-5pm
- Saturday 10am-2pm
I am located in the 48th and Chicago neighborhood on Chicago Ave South in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My office is across the street from Turtle Bread and upstairs in the Shenandoah Building.
More Useful Information:
- Articles About Acupuncture and Chinese Traditional Medicine
- General Acupuncture Information From the NIH
- General Information on Chinese Medicine From the NIH
- Acupuncture For Pain
- Chinese Herbal Medicine Information
Call 952-994-2828 to schedule your appointment!