Thank you for visiting Attune Acupuncture, a Minneapolis-based acupuncture clinic that serves clients throughout the Twin Cities, Minnesota area.
As an acupuncturist, I focus on treating the entire person: mind, body and spirit. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine empower you in decision-making and handling of your health concerns. Whether you have a physical issue or just want better overall wellness, acupuncture can help!
A few of the conditions Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been shown to effectively treat:
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, athletes foot/fungal infections, tinea versicolor, perioral dermatitis, seborrhea, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), lichen, hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa, trichotillomania, herpes simplex, cold sores, warts and other skin issues. Sarah has advanced training in Chinese herbal dermatologyDigestive Complaints
IBS, colitis, constipation/diarrhea, acid reflux, nausea, food sensitivities, Crohn’sWomen’s Health
Infertility, Peri/Menopause, irregular menstruation, PMS, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, PCOSMen’s Health
Infertility, prostatitis, low energy, andropausePain Relief
Headache, back pain, neck pain, arthritis, sprains and TMJ painEar, Nose, Throat
Sinusitis, allergies, environmental and chemical sensitivities, cold and fluGeneral Wellness
Low energy, food cravings, stress relief, brain fog, insomniaChronic Health Issues
Autoimmune conditions, undiagnosed illness, asthmaMood disorders
Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, panic attacksAddiction Support
Overeating, emotional eating, nail-biting, smoking cessation, recovery support, alcohol or drug cravings
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are capable of treating many manifestations of disease.
Call 952-994-2828 to schedule your appointment for acupuncture in Minneapolis, MN.